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Kevin Hammond: Symbolic Grid Computing in the SCIEnce Project
When Nov 13, 2008
from 02:30 PM to 04:00 PM
Where RISC seminar room
Attendees all@risc
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Symbolic Grid Computing in the SCIEnce Project

Prof. Kevin Hammond (University St.Andrews, UK)


The EU Framework VI SCIEnce aims to promote the development of new software that is i) made more efficient by sharing components and expertise; ii) made more interoperable in the modern Web services environment; and iii) ready for the coming environment of Grid computing. In this talk, I will introduce the Joint Research Activity of the SCIEnce project, which focuses on developing support for Symbolic Computing on Computational Grids. We have designed a new Grid framework, SymGrid, which builds on and extends standard Globus middleware capabilities, providing support for Grid Services and for orchestration of symbolic components into high-performance Grid-enabled applications forming a computational Grid. The SCIEnce project will initially integrate four major computational algebra systems into SymGrid: Maple, GAP, Kant and Mupad. In this way, heterogenous symbolic components can be composed into a single large-scale (possibly parallel) application.

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