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Aldor at RISC

Aldor is installed at the Linux machines at RISC. Just say

module load aldor

Local documentation like

  • the Aldor User Guide,
  • an Aldor tutorial,
is available in /zvol/aldor/doc.

A list of all options that can be given to the compiler can be obtained by

aldor -hall

Aldor can be used in an interactive mode. I prefer to use the interactive loop inside XEmacs. By putting the following lines in your .emacs file (or .xemacs/init.el) lets (X)Emacs recognise the Aldor prompt and behave correctly.

(setq shell-prompt-pattern "^[^>]*[>]+ *")
Now start a shell within XEmacs
M-x shell
Then, depending on whether you want to play with the Aldor library or the Algebra library you should say
aldor -gloop
#include "aldor"
#include "aldorinterp"
aldor -gloop
#include "algebra"
#include "aldorinterp"
within the XEmacs shell. (Note that by typing 'Ctrl+CursorUp' you can recall previously typed commands.)

I use XEmacs also for editing Aldor source files. My XEmacs is set up to enter aldor-mode when I load a .as file. See /zvol/aldor/elisp/aldor.el for for more details of how syntax highlighting can be achieved for Aldor sources files. Unfortunately, my aldor.el works only in XEmacs but not in Emacs.

« January 2025 »