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Aldor has its origins in the (now free) computer algebra system Axiom. Axiom is in its strength comparable to Maple, Mathematica, MuPAD (only to name a few), but it adds one important feature and that is types.  Currently, there are two forks of Axiom, namely FriCAS and OpenAxiom.

Aldor is used as the library extension language of Axiom but can also produce efficient standalone programs by building on libraries like libaldor and algebra.

Aldor is available in source and binary form under the Apache License 2.0. Currently the open source development happens at with the corresponding mailing list at!forum/aldor-devel. Because of SPAM you must be subscribed in order to post messages to this list.

Bronstein's work is also available under a free license from

(01-Aug-2004) I have produced a Graph of Categories and Domains of the Aldor/Algebra libraries which can be viewed with Xfig. (Note that you can play with the depths.) Xfig can produce a poster (8 pages, DIN A4) of the category/domain graph of libaldor and algebra that should be printed on a color printer. It can be nicely glued together.

Some links in the .fig file do not appear on the poster. I have replaced them by adding tags on the relevant domains. A description can be found on the upper right corner of the poster.

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