A Plone Teaser
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Content Management Systems
- A content management system (CMS) is a computer application used to create, edit, manage, and publish content in a consistently organized fashion.
- CMSs are frequently used for storing, controlling, versioning, and publishing industry-specific documentation such as news articles, operators' manuals, technical manuals, sales guides, and marketing brochures.
- The content managed may include computer files, image media, audio files, video files, electronic documents, and Web content.
Available CMS
Sites that use Plone
- http://www.hu-berlin.de/
- http://www.fcc.chalmers.se/
- http://www.jyu.fi/
- http://www.amnesty.ch/en
- http://www.brasil.gov.br/
- http://www.smeal.psu.edu/
- http://portal.risc.jku.at
- For the user, Plone data is organised in a directory structure
- But, all data lives in an object-oriented database
- Find your data through Plone's search facility
Different content types
- folders
- web pages
- files/images
- news items
- events
- collections
- users, groups, roles
- more fine-grained than Unix model
- Each content type can live in different states
- Workflow decides who can do what in a given state
- One can assign different workflows to a content type
- pages are versioned by default
- can see differences to previous version
How to get a Login?
- One week of registration phase. (Click "Register".)
- After that look at the help pages (in particular at "How to get an account").