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Previous Forums

Collection of RISC Forums in the past.
RISC Forum Nov 10, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 02:10 PM Seminar Room pond, RISC,
Evans Doe Ocansey: Self-introduction; Prof. Janos Sztrik: Introduction of the Future Internet Research, Services and Technology ( FIRST ) Project
RISC Forum Nov 03, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 02:10 PM Seminar Room pond, RISC,
Wolfgang.Schreiner, Walther Neuper: Polynomial Arithmetic in Isabelle
Risc Colloquium Oct 27, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM Seminar Room pond, RISC,
Prof. Hoon Hong: Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition without Augmented Projection
RISC Forum Oct 20, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 01:45 PM Seminar Room pond, RISC,
Abilio de Freitas: self-introduction; Ralf Wahner: self-introduction
RISC Forum Oct 13, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 02:00 PM Seminar Room pond, RISC,
Dr. Wolfgang Windsteiger: Theorema 2.0
Risc Colloquium Jul 11, 2014 from 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM Seminar Room pond, RISC,
Prof. Jordi Levy: The Nature of Industrial SAT Instances
Risc Colloquium Jun 23, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM Seminar Room Schloss Hagenberg,
Prof. Gert-Martin Greuel: On the classification of singularities and report on a novel database for mathematical software
RISC Forum Jun 02, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 02:10 PM Seminar Room Schloss Hagenberg,
Karoly Erdei: Privacy and Security using the Internet and mobile communication
RISC Forum May 26, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 01:45 PM Seminar Room Schloss Hagenberg,
Muhammad Taimoor Khan: good bye-note; Gabor Ballo: Self-Introduction.
RISC Forum May 19, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 01:45 PM Seminar Room Schloss Hagenberg,
Peter Stadelmeyer: Multidisciplinary Optimization for Aircraft Structures - Mathematics and Software
Risc Colloquium May 12, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM Seminar Room Schloss Hagenberg,
Dr. Evelyne Hubert: Computation of rational invariants
RISC Forum May 05, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 02:15 PM Seminar Room Schloss Hagenberg,
Muhammad Taimoor Khan: PhD-Thesis
RISC Forum Apr 28, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 02:10 PM Seminar Room Schloss Hagenberg,
Karoly Erdei: Firefox privacy and security settings; Karoly Erdei: The RISC PGP key server
RISC Forum Mar 31, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 02:00 PM Seminar Room Schloss Hagenberg,
Josef Schicho: Symbolic Computation in Kinematics
RISC Forum Mar 17, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 01:50 PM Seminar Room Schloss Hagenberg,
Georg Grasegger: Research visit at the University of Alcalá
RISC Forum Mar 10, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 01:40 PM Seminar Room Schloss Hagenberg,
Miriam Schussler: Self-introduction
RISC Forum Jan 20, 2014 from 01:30 PM to 02:10 PM Seminar Room pond, RISC,
Karoly Erdei: Useful privacy and security settings for Thunderbird/Icedove
RISC Forum Dec 09, 2013 from 01:30 PM to 02:05 PM Seminar Room pond, RISC,
Karoly Erdei: Using GPG - Part. II.: GPG with Thunderbird and Gmail
Risc Colloquium Dec 02, 2013 from 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM Seminar Room pond, RISC,
Alberto Lastra: On a sufficient condition for the summability of formal power series
Risc Colloquium Nov 25, 2013 from 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM Seminar Room pond, RISC,
Dr. Cezary Kaliszyk: Learning-assisted automated reasoning for higher-order logic. (On invitation by Prof. Buchberger)
November 2016 »
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